Joint practice
Leschke & Lakatos

Your family doctor Ludwigshafen

Welcome to our family practice for internal and general medicine in Ludwigshafen Süd.

in practice, masks are no longer mandatory. Nevertheless, we ask you to wear a mask if you have cold symptoms.

Office hours


08.00-13.00 and


08.00-13.00 and




08.00-13.00 and



From now on we also offer a video consultation!


Mundenheimer Str. 239 | 67061 Ludwigshafen

Phone: 0621 565421 | Fax: 0621 566039 | E-mail:

Our services

Your family practice in Ludwigshafen-Süd

Dorina Lakatos und Katrin Leschke, Inhaberinnen der Gemeinschaftspraxis Leschke & Lakatos Ludwigshafen Süd

Doctor medic Dorina Lakatos
Family physician internist

Katrin Leschke
General Practitioner

Doctor medic Dorina Lakatos – general internist (left) and Katrin Leschke – general practitioner (right).

Our mission statement

Our goal is to care for our patients to the best of our ability and according to the latest findings in medicine.

In everything we do, we are committed to the well-being of our patients.
We see our patients as fellow human beings who come to us with their problems and need support. We treat each and every patient with respect, understanding and empathy.

We see our colleagues and other healthcare institutions as partners. We work with everyone whose goal is to improve patient care.

The following languages are spoken in our practice:
German, English, Romanian, Turkish

Your group practice Leschke & Lakatos – family doctor in Ludwigshafen

Emergency and on-call services

Medical on-call service

Outside our office hours, you can reach the medical on-call service free of charge at: 116 117.

Rescue service

For all potentially life-threatening conditions: 112.

Important links

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Do you have questions about our practice or our services?

Just give us a call or contact us by mail.
We are committed to answering all your questions.